Happy new year! (Yes it’s a bit late for me to say that, but not TOO late.)
I’m super optimistic about 2025 (regardless of whatever’s happening out there in the world). Been ramping up my stoicism and work ethic, which is to say, I choose to focus on what I can control, instead of stressing over matters in which I have no control.
For me this year is largely about focus and quieting a lot of the noise and distractions in life that gradually eat away at my life’s ambitions.
I know everybody always says they don’t have enough time, but frankly, we all live within the confines of a 24 hour day. It’s up to you to decide how you want to prioritize your limited time.
If something’s truly a priority, you’ll make it happen. Otherwise you’ll make excuses.
All that being said, today I’m sharing some very practical tools for you to make it happen in 2025, whatever that IT is for you.
This past year I’ve tried out TONS of habit-tracking apps on my iPhone. Frankly, most of them are poorly designed, unnecessarily complicated, gimmicky, too expensive (and subscription-based on top of that), lacking in features, or just flat out SUCK.
After all that pain-staking research, here are what I’ve deemed to be the best two habit-tracking apps in the Apple ecosphere, and there’s a third option as well (for the budget-conscious minimalists who need no bells & whistles).
Ladies & gentlemen, I present to you: THE BEST HABITS APPS FOR 2025.